Finance Career Basics...
Below are our articles on the subject of Finance Career Basics. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Are You Right for Career in Finance?
Choosing the right career path can be tricky, and initially ensuring you are right for a career in finance will save time and effort for yourself and potential employers....

Choosing the Right Finance Career
Choosing the right finance career will be a mix of research methods, professional advice, and personal awareness....

Committing to a Finance Career
Committing to a finance career can lead to greater job satisfaction and should have the knock on effect of better career prospects for the employee....

Entry Level Finance Jobs to Consider
Entry level finance jobs can be an excellent springboard into a financial career and can lead onto bigger and better finance jobs....

How to Handle Behavioural Interview Questions
In the financial industry, many companies use an interview technique known as ‘behavioural interviewing’. Understand how such questions work, and the answers that the…...

Interview Do's and Don'ts
If you are looking to find a job in the City, you need to make sure that your interview technique is up to scratch. Here's what to do - and what not to do - in your…...

Interview Questions for Finance Jobs
Asking the right questions during the interview process will show a serious interest from the potential employee towards both the job and the company they would like…...

Is it Really Worth Taking an MSc in Finance?
The number of MSc courses in Finance have increased dramatically in the last few years, but does gaining an MSc improve your chances of getting the job you want?...

Personality Traits Needed for the Financial World
There are distinct personality traits that employers look for in employees when recruiting for finance jobs, and personality testing is becoming more common during the…...

Planning Your Financial Career Search
Planning your financial career search thoroughly should ensure you consider all the possibilities open to you and may even bring up jobs that you had not previously…...

The Smart Way to Negotiate a Job Offer
Even in a volatile job market, candidates don’t necessarily have to take the first offer they get. Play smart and look beyond the base salary and bonus to get the job…...

What Prospective Employers are Looking For
There are a number of employee attributes that a potential employer is looking for during the interview process and researching an employer’s requirements will be…...

What Will the Financial Industry Look Like in 10 Years' Time?
The financial industry, so long the lifeblood of the UK economy, is in desperate shape. But how will the industry look in 10 years’ time?...

Where to Find Financial Employment Advice
There are plenty of avenues open to those seeking financial career advice, and obtaining as much information as possible will ensure a good start towards gaining the…...

Winning a Job in Finance
Winning a job in finance means taking a seriously professional approach from the moment you apply until you leave the interview room....