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Committing to a Finance Career

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 21 May 2012 | comments*Discuss
Career Commitment Work Finance Finance

Committing to a finance career will mean that you are serious with regards to both the company you work for and your career.

To an employer, job commitment will mean that you are dedicated and plan to stay with the company for a good few years. Employers will usually spend a lot of time and money on their staff and will want to see a level of commitment that will reflect this investment.

Finance Careers and Staff Turnover

A high staff turnover within finance jobs usually consists of a few factors. The major reason for staff turnover is lack of commitment from employees when a company turns out to be uninspiring to work for. Employees have also been known to simply walk out of a job if their work efforts are continually taken for granted.

However if there is plenty of scope for career development, employee input, and good working conditions then career commitment from employees should not be a problem.

The Need for Career Commitment

To most employees who are career rather than job orientated career commitment is vital. Career dedication means that there are goals to work towards and also usually means a greater level of job satisfaction. For employers it should mean that their employees are more productive and happy within the workplace. Most employers do require a high level of commitment from their staff. If employees are continually leaving a company after only a few months then it will mean retraining new staff and extra time and money for the employer.

Factors to Aid Career Commitment

There are a few factors within a workplace that will make employees want to stay with company. These will include:
  • Good career prospects after a set period of time.
  • Employee training and development programmes set in place.
  • High levels of trust from employers towards employees.
  • A healthy working environment.
  • Staff input taken seriously from employers.
  • Pay levels that are commensurate to the qualifications and work from the employee.
  • Good relations between employees, colleagues and clients.
  • A good level of job satisfaction and personal achievement.

High Pay or Dream Career?

An employee’s career commitment will also be based on different motivational factors. Some employees base their actual job search purely on terms of pay rather than job satisfaction. For other employees the need to do interesting work and achieve their dream career regardless of a high salary is the motivator. A balance of the two would be perfect and can be achieved for talented and hardworking individuals. But working out what actually motivates your work life will go towards the level of commitment you will give to a company and your career.

Work and Home Life Balance

Achieving a good work and home life balance will also help bolster a sense of career commitment. Graduates in new finance jobs will usually be expected to work hard and there may be long hours involved. But a good employer will know the necessity of a good work and home life balance. An employee who is taken for granted and spends much of his or her day trapped in the office will soon lose any sense of career commitment within a company. Getting the balance right will work towards achieving a happier and more productive work life.

The Right Finance Jobs and Career Commitment

As with any industry there are good and bad jobs and finance jobs are no different. If you have worked your way through four or five years of university then you have already shown a degree of commitment towards your chosen career. The next step should be hunting for that perfect job, which can be a tricky task. Finding yourself in a job that turns out not to be as expected will do nothing for career commitment and can be very disheartening. Job seekers should take plenty of time when searching and should take as much career advice as possible.

Career commitment should be a major priority to anyone who intends to embark on a finance career. Not having this sort of commitment can see an employee continually changing jobs after only a few months. Employers will look more favourably on employees that a have a good level of commitment towards their career. The benefits to committed employees can be great and can lead to a greater sense of job satisfaction.

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