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Developing a Career in Taxation

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 21 Sep 2010 | comments*Discuss
Career Development Career Taxation

Developing a career in taxation can be a daunting process, especially at the beginning of your career. There are people who can give you information and advice on the best way to advance your career, and some employers do actually value career development. If you are conducting a job search then it may be beneficial to look at companies that do take career development seriously.

Career Development Support

There are taxation companies that do take career progression very seriously where their employees are concerned. Employers know that their employees are the lifeblood and future of their company and want them to have the best possible business skills. Many companies will advertise career progression policies as one of the benefits of working for their company.

How Employers Can Help

There are a number of ways that employers can help with career development. If an employer sees potential in an employee then they should be willing to give as much advice and information as possible towards developing the employee’s career. Professional development policies used by some taxation companies will include:
  • Mentors that guide employees through their first few years of employment within a new company
  • Career advisers who will give advice on the best ways to develop a career
  • Professional support when studying for tax qualifications
  • Some employers will also provide financial support in paying for exams and study materials
  • Professional tutors who will help employees during study time
  • Individual and group tutorial support from qualified employees before exams
  • Advice on the best way to gain further qualifications such as an Executive MBA
Some taxation companies do actually have their own career development departments. This gives employees access to a whole network of qualified professionals who can offer information and advice on the best way to develop a career.

Career Coaching

Career coaching has become a very important part of career development. Career coaches or advisers are available to employees who feel they need some guidance within their careers. Coaches can give information on the best qualifications and courses needed to develop skills and gain the required certification. Workshops are sometimes set up in order to ascertain an employee’s strengths and weakness, and to find out exactly what job roles would suit them in the future.

Overseas Training

One of the advantages of working for an international company is the chance to train overseas. Many companies do send their graduates to foreign branches during the training period and it is a great way to experience different cultures. Progressive companies are also aware that employees do need a change of scenery every now and again. Appointments to foreign branches will give employees a chance to broaden their horizons and gain a range of new skills. If travel is important to you during your career then job searching international companies should prove to be beneficial.

Self Employed Tax Careers

Career development is also important for tax workers who are self employed. Many self employed workers are so busy that they do not set time aside towards career development. The tax world is always changing, and learning new skills and gaining further qualifications will always be advantageous. Private career coaches can be useful to keep careers on track and they do not take much time from a weekly work schedule. Consider talking to a financial career coach online and finding out the numerous different ways that they can help with career development.

Business Networking

Networking is an important factor when it comes to developing a taxation career, or any career. Speaking to those who are in senior positions within the tax industry will help you to gain invaluable information and make new contacts. Networking can help when sourcing new job opportunities within government firms and private practices. It will also help build better work relationships and can bring many new work related opportunities.

Developing a taxation career will be a combination of many factors. Getting the right advice from those within the industry who are qualified and can guide you through the career process will be beneficial. A career is an ongoing process and that includes continually developing your skills even when you have reached senior level. Making the right contacts, staying up to date with business developments and taking professional advice should keep you on the right career track.

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